11-10 = Take a report.
11-24 = Abandoned automobile.
11-25 = Traffic hazard.
11-26 = Abandoned bicycle.
11-27 = with the driver being held.
11-28 = with the driver being held.
11-40 = Advise if an ambulance is needed.
11-41 = An ambulance is needed.
11-42 = No ambulance is needed.
11-48 = Furnish transportation.
11-51 = Escort.
11-52 = Funeral detail.
11-54 = Suspicious vehicle.
11-55 = Officer is being followed by automobile.
11-56 = Officer is being followed by auto containing dangerous persons.
11-57 = An unidentified auto appeared at the scene of the assignment.
11-58 = Radio traffic is being monitored. Phone all non-routine messages.
11-59 = Give intensive attention to high hazard/business areas.
11-60 = Attack in a high hazard area.
11-65 = Signal light is out.
11-66 = Defective traffic light.
11-71 = Fire.
11-78 = Aircraft accident.
11-79 = Accident - ambulance has been sent.
11-80 = Accident - major injuries.
11-81 = Accident - minor injuries.
11-82 = Accident - no injuries.
11-83 = Accident - no details.
11-84 = Direct traffic.
11-85 = Tow truck required.
11-94 = Pedestrian stop.
11-95 = Routine traffic stop.
11-96 = Checking a suspicious vehicle.
11-97 = Time/security check on patrol vehicles.
11-98 = Meet: _______
11-99 = Officer needs help.
11-6 = The illegal discharge of a firearm
11-7 = Prowler
11-8 = Person Down
11-10 = Take a police report / conduct an investigation
11-12 = Injured animal
11-13 = Dead animal
11-14 = Dog bite victim
11-15 = Ball game in street
11-24 = Abandoned vehicle
11-25 = Traffic hazard
11-26 = Disabled vehicle
11-27 = Driver’s license check, please rush
11-28 = Vehicle registration check, please rush
11-29 = Person is clear, no warrants
11-30 = Missing person
11-31 = Need help (Officer needs assistance)
11-41 = Ambulance needed
11-44 = Fatality / Death
11-45 = Suicide / attempted suicide
11-48 = Transport
11-50 = Field interrogation
11-51 = Security check
11-79 = Traffic Collision – ambulance responding
11-80 = Traffic Collision – with a major injury or injuries
11-81 = Traffic Collision – with a minor injury or injuries
11-82 = Traffic Collision – with no injury
11-83 = Traffic Collision – no additional details
11-84 = Direct traffic
11-85 = Tow truck needed
11-86 = Special assignment
11-98 = Meet with…
11-99 = Officer needs help or assistance
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